DepleteX™️ Globin Depletion Kit

Remove contaminating globin fragments for RNA-Seq

DepleteX Globin Depletion Kit removes four highly expressed globin transcripts in-vitro ahead of sequencing, redistributing sequencing clusters to unique biologically relevant transcripts —allowing you to maximize UMI and gene sensitivity.

Beyond ribodepletion, RNA samples typically have a small number of highly expressed, well characterized transcripts, and resequencing these transcripts adds little biologically relevant information. Unfortunately, these highly expressed transcripts outcompete low expressing transcripts for sequencing coverage. This lack of sequencing coverage coupled with significant noise from high expressing transcripts limits detection of low expressing genes, rare variants and unique fusion events that may be disease drivers.


  • Simple unbiased depletion of human globin from RNA-Seq libraries
  • Achieve >99% depletion of contaminating globin
  • Quick one hour depletion incubation


Catalog KIT1024
Samples per kit 24
Tissues evaluated in design Blood
Designed to deplete HBA1, HBA2, HBB, and HBD
CRISPRclean product compatibility Single cell (KIT1018) and ribodepletion (KIT1014)


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For the US patent, the patent number is US 10,604,802 entitled Genome Fractioning. The patent publication is available here.

For the EP patent, the patent number is EP3102722 entitled Genome Fractioning. The patent publication is available here.