Core Lab Grant Program

Earn a grant to take your research to the next level

What can you answer with our Single Cell Boost kit?

If you’re planning on running 10x Genomic services like Chromium or Visium, we have an award opportunity for you to incorporate a new technology that enhances gene and UMI detection by up to 50%. Our CRISPRclean Single Cell RNA Boost Kit removes overabundant, non-informational nucleic acids to improve representation of important sequences.

Each awardee will be provided access to a limited number of reactions for single cell or Visium library preparations*. Awardees will still be responsible for the costs of the 10x Genomics library preparation and RNA sequencing consumables.

Apply Now

Fill out the form below and include a brief paragraph (200-word limit) describing the question you want to address and how the increased sensitivity will enhance your research.

[hubspot portal=”20257099″ id=”b3e00e59-d135-42f5-81cc-8a961a29889d” type=”form”]

*Number of reactions will vary depending on the size of the project and/or based on core lab guidelines.

This program is by invitation only. Applicants must be employed by or affiliated with the institution that extended the invitation.